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Views: 18,188  ·  Replies: 23 
> Cards are now emulated on Demul
  Posted: Aug 17 2016, 09:43 AM

Move it, bucko

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Someone reverse engineered the card tech and not only can real cabinets use it apparently, it's emulated in Demul now!
Eternal Firebird
Posted: Aug 17 2016, 12:31 PM

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Amazing, someone finally figured out the cards thing to work on the emulator.
Posted: Sep 11 2016, 03:13 AM

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Right, I got the game's Japanese version B ROm and Demul 0.7. But when it start the game, right after the 'Card R/W initialize' screen, it says 'Please get Card'. This didn't happen until I set the game to free play mode in the service menu. What should I do next to get the game to load? How should I set up the card emulation? How should I configure my controller?
  Posted: Sep 11 2016, 04:14 PM

Move it, bucko

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I never had that "please get card" issue, that is odd. It may have something to do with the cleaning card?

Card emulation should work automatically. As for controls, I just sort of mapped buttons to whatever in the arcade controls and figured what does what through trial and error.
Posted: Sep 11 2016, 09:59 PM

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If you are wondering how to actually remove the card, press whatever buton you mapped "PUSH6" on Arcade Joy1. You have to press it to insert a card and remove a card when required
Posted: Sep 12 2016, 10:15 AM

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QUOTE (ZeetherKID77 @ Yesterday, 4:14 PM)
I never had that "please get card" issue, that is odd. It may have something to do with the cleaning card?

Card emulation should work automatically. As for controls, I just sort of mapped buttons to whatever in the arcade controls and figured what does what through trial and error.

Never mind that issue, I fixed it by redownloading Demul. I figured out the controls too.

And how do I use the same card again? Let's suppose I purchased a card, chose a Lan Evo 7 and part course A and whooped everybody's asses in LoTS mode. When I play the next time, how do use that same car again?

And is it just the version [rev. B] or is the game way too easy compared to Street Stage? (PSP port of IDAS3). The handling is waay too easier than the PSP version, and I ran a 3' 02 on Tsuchizaka in a S2K using a goddamn keyboard laugh2.gif The only problem is, the car doesn't seem to brake and turn at the same time. Did anyone get this problem or should I use a wheel?

Is there any way to up the difficulty? And how do I select time attack and Bunta's challenge mode? Using the gear knob didn't work for me.

This post has been edited by GoodOldGunman on Sep 12 2016, 10:18 AM
  Posted: Sep 12 2016, 11:51 AM

Move it, bucko

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Selecting time attack/Bunta is moving the wheel left and right, not the shifter. If you want to use your card again just press the button to insert/remove (PUSH6 like what Akii said)

You can also rename the card file (it's in the NVRAM folder with a .card extension) to use multiple cards, just rename the one you want to use to the romset name and .card to use it.
Posted: Sep 12 2016, 11:56 AM

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But no .card file is being created. What should I do?
  Posted: Sep 20 2016, 12:37 PM

Move it, bucko

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That's odd. It should show up in the nvram folder with the name of the ROM set and .card.
Posted: Sep 22 2016, 10:21 AM

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I figured it out too. Unless I stop playing and the card is ejected, Demul won't save the card.

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Posted: Sep 22 2016, 06:41 PM

Nagao Fanboy

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That sounds about right, I think that's how the real life machine works too.
  Posted: Sep 22 2016, 07:35 PM

Move it, bucko

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QUOTE (GoodOldGunman @ 9 hours, 14 minutes ago)
I figured it out too. Unless I stop playing and the card is ejected, Demul won't save the card.

Ah yes, that'd be why. Don't close the emulator when you're finished, just choose not to continue and then it'll eject the card. tongue.gif
Posted: Oct 1 2016, 08:00 PM

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I'm not seeing this .card file anywhere in my Demul folder. Does it only show up while you're playing the game in Demul?

EDIT: Never mind. I was able to figure this whole thing out as well as switch between multiple cards.

This post has been edited by Vile on Oct 1 2016, 08:41 PM
Posted: Oct 2 2016, 10:17 AM

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Anyone know how to modify the steering sensitivity? I'm using a 360 controller and half a tilt makes the car max out the turn.
Posted: Oct 12 2016, 02:56 AM

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QUOTE (skitzless @ Oct 2 2016, 10:17 AM)
Anyone know how to modify the steering sensitivity? I'm using a 360 controller and half a tilt makes the car max out the turn.

You should have a card. Upon inserting the card, you should get a prompt to change your preferences or something.

But instead of that, get a wheel. It plays better.
Posted: Oct 27 2016, 02:23 PM

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QUOTE (Vile @ Oct 2 2016, 12:00 PM)
I'm not seeing this .card file anywhere in my Demul folder. Does it only show up while you're playing the game in Demul?

EDIT: Never mind. I was able to figure this whole thing out as well as switch between multiple cards.

do you have to restart demul everytime you switch card? what is the fastest way to switch card? thanks! smile.gif
Posted: Oct 30 2016, 08:59 AM

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QUOTE (-Lite- @ Oct 27 2016, 02:23 PM)
do you have to restart demul everytime you switch card? what is the fastest way to switch card? thanks! smile.gif

If you have two cards (eg. C1.card and C2.card) rename the card you want to use as game name.card and proceed. Suppose if you are playing Initial D Arcade Stage 3 rev.B , rename the file to initdv3jb.card and insert the card when it prompts you to by pressing PUSH6.

- You can use an Initial D AS1 card on AS2 , and a AS2 card on AS3, but your car will lose its tune up on upgrading to the higher version, and it will gain a part every time you win a race to full tune. An AS3 card can't be used on AS2 and an AS2 card can't be used on AS1. An English version card can't be used on the Japanese version and vice versa.

-CAUTION: Demul doesn't support multiple cards per game so of you have a card for a game and want to get a new card, make sure to rename the original card to something else or copy it to some other place. If you don't do that, once the game hands you a new card, Demul will overwrite the older card with the new one and YOU WILL LOSE ALL OF YOUR PROGRESS!
Turbo 85
Posted: Nov 16 2016, 10:57 PM

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I've found out how to hack the card file to give it ~ 1 million points. I've tried this on English V2, English V3, and Japanese V3.

Back up your card file before attempting this

Open the card file in Sublime Text.
Go to [File-->Reopen With Encoding-->Hexadecimal]
Edit the 13th character in the first row to be one hex value higher (1->2, 2->3...,9->A, A->B...).

Your card should now have at least 1 million+ points.
Posted: Nov 24 2016, 09:07 PM

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Hey guys i had a problem here, i notice the card progress wont be saved the second time u put in the card. Eg. you create the card and play for as long as u like for 1 time, this first time only the card will record your progress, after you turn off the emulator and turn it on again, the second time you play the progress wont be saved , means the progress you gain only able to save into the card file during the time when you first create the card. any guys having the same problem?
Turbo 85
Posted: Nov 24 2016, 10:34 PM

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Hmm, i haven't had that problem. The emulator saves data to the card file when you go to File->Stop. Also, make sure to completely eject after your done playing.
Posted: Nov 24 2016, 10:43 PM

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QUOTE (Turbo 85 @ 8 minutes, 55 seconds ago)
Hmm, i haven't had that problem.  The emulator saves data to the card file when you go to File->Stop.  Also, make sure to completely eject after your done playing.

ohhh so i need to eject the card then press stop in order to save the progress on the card. okayy i give it a try later. I always ejected the card but didnt press stop just exit the whole thing.

Edited: YAYY~ it worked. Its the FILE>STOP procedure. THANKS~ Turbo85~

This post has been edited by freedom1104 on Nov 25 2016, 03:58 PM
Posted: Mar 21 2017, 11:19 PM

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does T150 PRO work with Demul?
Posted: Aug 19 2017, 11:54 PM

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Woah, after 10 years or so leaving the scene and this thing comes out.

Was searching for Assetto Corsa ID courses and found a link to an ID emulator LOL
Time to kick some TA and waste even more of my life xD
Posted: Jun 2 2020, 10:09 AM


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I have never messed with the Iniial D games until today because I just got a wheel, but when I go to play any of them I can't get past the card screen. It thinks I already have a card (not sure how) and says "Unable to read the card currently inserted, please remove the card" so I read where someone fixed this by going into Test menu, but the problem is when I tab through the options it skips over game assisgnment (same thing for every Initial D) and I can't set card to off. I looked in nvram there is no card, so I have no idea why it says unable to read card. I doesn't give me the option to create a card, so I am stuck.

I read that Push6 = inserted or removing the card, but when I hit that button on my steering wheel nothing happens. I can insert coins on the wheel and hit start.

Edit: I solved this by reinstalling Demul. However my steering wheel the wheel is too sensitive any little movement it flies into wall any fix? Only happens with Initial D games.

This post has been edited by Jayinem on Jun 2 2020, 10:44 AM