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RADIO BROADCAST » streaming at 96kbps with 6 unique listeners, playing (MF Ghost OST) Mega NRG Man - Break Out Fire


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h t t p : / / i n i t i a l d - a r c a d e . c o m / t e a m s . p h p



Views: 7,472  ·  Replies: 1 
> Heloo to every1 in PJ,KL,Malaysia, Freelancer in IOI tryin to join a pj ID4 clan
    Posted: May 24 2008, 05:51 AM

IDW Full Member

Group: Members
Posts: 36
Member No.: 29,588
Joined: May 19th 2008
Location: Update Profile

Ermm... I m a college student from johor recently transfered to cyberjaya and I am a person who also loves racing include ID4. Now i m usually hails at Puchong IOI playing cause its near my hostel.

WEll... in new in this forum and i wish to join any of a racing clan that plays ID4.
If some1 can heard me plz take consider to take me under your wing. and we can play together.

my data as follows...
win:193 lose: 84

best in running tsu out, Akagi up, Akina down

and a stock RX7(Kyoko's type)

besides if u wish to challenge me cum IOI at weekdays 3 to 6 pm

This post has been edited by edwardokanieba on May 24 2008, 09:13 AM
Posted: Dec 9 2008, 07:43 AM

IDW Full Member

Group: Members
Posts: 37
Member No.: 31,247
Joined: Dec 3rd 2008
Location: Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia

if you want, can join mine, but my team not so into ID4, but try to recruit some
my team made mostly ID3, next to WMMT3

my team name is TJZ57, from alor star, kedah
but there are some members from KL too joining my team

go TJZ57 team webpage

go visit it biggrin.gif