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> Initial D Complete Series + Movies 480p,720p,1080p, Complete Initial D & Wangan Midnight series.
  Posted: May 26 2019, 11:29 PM

IDW Jr. Member

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QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
Ah, right, I forgot, I'm the egotistical one, not the guy who doesn't know Japanese and believes the sub placement pictured above is 10/10. troll.gif Pardon me for making such lowly suggestions, your majesty. Please, proceed with your life's work.

Making a suggestion is fine and fully welcome, but yours was not originally just a friendly suggestion. It was being a jerk about everything wrong or not to your liking regarding positioning and sizing with criticism, before it was a bit more of a friendly suggestion to update translation and positioning later on.

Something like A simple, I noticed that you were using an older translation of mine and updating to the newer better V2 would be better because I translated it better would have sufficed. Then sharing the file when saying that would have been much friendlier. All that other BS was not needed.

QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
I'm surprised, to be honest, that C-A did that one. I don't recall that happening, only Soldats. If they did, then they did, and I'll take it. I have my own opinion about Central-Anime's translations, but it's irrelevant to the current discussion.

A lot of this was irrelevant and pointless lol. There was also more than just those 2 done in English. Hell if I can find all the .srt files from hard sub ripping and avi/mkv sub ripping, I would gladly PM them to you.

Anyways, that's what one of the several .srt files I have says in it. It's also quite different from yours, so I assume they made it, unless someone else put false info in it.

00:52:24,420 --> 00:52:28,720
Original translations and source subtitle
scripts by Central Anime

00:52:29,920 --> 00:52:32,420
Re-edited and timed by FXM-IDB Project

QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
Also since it's freely available, you're free to mess with it as you please without asking me for permission before making changes. Use it to fix up your own script, mess with the sync, whatever you like. I've long since gotten out of the fansub game, so it's not like I was going to make my own V2 release at this point anyway. That's why I've handed it over. If anything, just leave in the dedication to IDW, since that's where we're both posting. cool.gif

If that's true and you don't care, then why even start or make all of this fuss? You literally just made this thread into pointless drama. Your out of the fansubbing group and gave it away and don't care. You literally just said I do not need permission to make any changes, (Not that I even knew it yours to begin with) yet you still seem to care enough to say whats right and wrong and to make it known that I borrowed a couple little pieces from your translation for scene transitions, and how I should do things when it comes to the formatting? Hypocrite much? I think you do care, especially if your asking me to leave something in it and going through all this fuss to get your name out there.

Because it was a hard sub rip from an AVI/MKV file I had, the positioning and text font info was removed, I did not remove any of that, nor did I remove any names. If anything other than positioning, timing, and color was adjusted, I did not touch it in that second unaltered track, and I will willingly swear on my 9 year reputation that's the truth. If I wanted it removed, I would have taken out the OMFG credits at the end, but I did not. So there is no need to even ask me to leave that in because I already did and still would in the V2 as well. Only difference would be you gave me the V2 and its not a hard sub rip or mkv extractions, so all the positioning and font info will be in tact.

You wanted it to be known that you subbed it and the second track I found and added in was yours, fine everyone including myself now know that second subtitle track is a V1 translation of yours. Minus the font face and positioning because that was not available in hard sub extraction.

End of conversation! Anything more please be an adult, take it to PM with me, and not clutter this thread with us bickering back and forth. That's my friendly request.

This post has been edited by darkdream787 on May 26 2019, 11:37 PM
Nomake Wan
Posted: May 26 2019, 11:54 PM


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QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 14 minutes, 36 seconds ago)
If that's true and you don't care, then why even start or make all of this fuss? You literally just made this thread into pointless drama. Your out of the fansubbing group and gave it away and don't care. You literally just said I do not need permission to make any changes, (Not that I even knew it yours to begin with) yet you still seem to care enough to say whats right and wrong and to make it known that I borrowed a couple little pieces from your translation for scene transitions, and how I should do things when it comes to the formatting? Hypocrite much? I think you do care, especially if your asking me to leave something in it and going through all this fuss to get your name out there.

I figured you'd be confused. That's understandable. It's because you initially refused help, then seemed to imply that it was impossible to figure out where your sources came from. You clearly do know, since you were able to list Soldats, C-A and others. You knew your sources, you just didn't think it necessary to do any further digging. So I found it chuckle-worthy that you turned down an updated script...despite using the original.

I care far more when someone releases something for the Initial D community and claim that it's "high quality" yet skimp on the English translations, when the majority of the people here don't understand Japanese and thus need those translations to understand what they're seeing and hearing. I don't care whether or not my name is attached, but that the result is actually up to the level of quality claimed. As I already said, I don't care if you actually put my name in--I clearly suggested that if you're gonna leave anything in, let it be the dedication to Initial D World, the forum we're both communicating through at this very moment. It's thanks to this forum that most of this is possible, so it deserves far more credit than I do.

QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 14 minutes, 36 seconds ago)
End of conversation! Anything more please be an adult, take it to PM with me, and not clutter this thread with us bickering back and forth. That's my friendly request.

I much prefer this to be out in the open where anyone can make up their own mind. I believe that's the adult thing to do. happy.gif
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  Posted: May 27 2019, 12:33 AM

IDW Jr. Member

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QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
I figured you'd be confused. That's understandable. It's because you initially refused help, then seemed to imply that it was impossible to figure out where your sources came from. You clearly do know, since you were able to list Soldats, C-A and others. You knew your sources, you just didn't think it necessary to do any further digging. So I found it chuckle-worthy that you turned down an updated script...despite using the original.

I did not refuse help, I politely refused what I thought was an avisynth script offer.
I also never stated it was impossible to figure out where my source came from. I specifically said it was multiple YouTube videos and AVI/MKV file hard sub extraction. Not my fault CA was the only one with a name in the extraction.

I did not know all my sources, the name Soldats came from you. I only know that names existence because that's what you claimed is something I used or was available on YouTube. I never even heard of it before that. I did not know one I used was yours and I did not turn down an updated script. You already know I thought you meant avisynth script. I even explained the mixup and nicely stated "I appreciate the subtitle offer and realize there was a mixup as to what you were offering" and offered to include your V2 in the 1080p release if you wanted me to. So saying I turned it down is a lie! Once that misunderstanding was cleared up, I stated that I appreciated it and would include it if you want.

I would have accepted any subtitle submission from people and I even openly asked for submissions to add as alternative subtitle tracks if people wanted to give any in my forum. If it weren't for that one misunderstanding about the term script, none of this BS conversation would be going on right now and your V2 would have been included and gladly accepted.

QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
It's thanks to this forum that most of this is possible, so it deserves far more credit than I do.

This forum literally did nothing for me to make this possible. I bought the majority of the sources, got some from friends who actually own the discs, and downloaded a couple from elsewhere not related to this forum. I obtained nothing that was used in my encodes, from this forum. With or without the couple of skimpy lines I borrowed from a translation of yours, I would have still put up a release elsewhere and that second unaltered subtitle track would not be included is all if the forum did not exist. This forum has gave or done nothing for me when it comes to the possibility of this release I made.

QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
I care far more when someone releases something for the Initial D community and claim that it's "high quality"

I did not release this specifically for the Initial D World community, I just shared it here as well for people who may have wanted it. I did not even know or care about this forum until someone asked me to share it here originally.
The video is high quality! When it comes to the subbed only translations, that's not my department. That's why when it comes to subbed only sources, I include peoples translations that get submitted to me to include and if I use anything from someone else to make a custom one, I also include theirs as an untouched extra subtitle track. Seeing as how I do not fluently speak Japanese, I could not tell you who's or whats is a good translation or wording. Yours could be complete garbage or spot on and I wouldn't even know it. That is yet another reason I am always willing to include any and all submissions of different subtitle translations when it comes to subbed only sources. I like to have choices available.

QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
I much prefer this to be out in the open where anyone can make up their own mind. I believe that's the adult thing to do. happy.gif

All I'm seeing is you being a hypocrite and trying to keep arguments going, even when asked nicely to please stop or take it to PM.

Now please quit being a troll and harassing me over it.

This post has been edited by darkdream787 on May 27 2019, 02:07 AM
Nomake Wan
Posted: May 27 2019, 02:43 AM


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QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 2 hours, 3 minutes ago)
This forum literally did nothing for me to make this possible. This forum has gave or done nothing for me when it comes to the possibility of this release I made. I did not release this specifically for the Initial D World community, I just shared it here as well for people who may have wanted it. I did not even know or care about this forum until someone asked me to share it here originally.

QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 2 hours, 3 minutes ago)
When it comes to the subbed only translations, that's not my department. Seeing as how I do not fluently speak Japanese, I could not tell you who's or whats is a good translation or wording. Yours could be complete garbage or spot on and I wouldn't even know it. That is yet another reason I am always willing to include any and all submissions of different subtitle translations when it comes to subbed only sources. I like to have choices available.

These two quotes should be all anyone casually inspecting this thread need to see. My criticism of your subtitle placement and "translations" is perfectly valid, as you yourself admit that you will not change the former and don't know/care enough about the latter. If you don't like someone criticizing your public release, don't release it to the public.
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  Posted: May 27 2019, 02:51 AM

IDW Jr. Member

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QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
My criticism of your subtitle placement and "translations" is perfectly valid, as you yourself admit that you will not change the former and don't know/care enough about the latter. If you don't like someone criticizing your public release, don't release it to the public.

Grow up Nomake!

I don't mind criticism at all. In fact criticism has actually been a good thing for me over the years when it comes to certain things. You just said you were being friendly and you weren't being. The only reason that was even brought up is because you tried to state you were being nice many replies ago. This entire conversation is not or was not about your criticism.

If you go back and read, I specifically said "If people want other translations or their own custom subtitles, and they did not get them to me for insertion, they are free to do so on their own time and add them in for themselves. I have it how I liked it with what I had available to use when I made it." That implies you as well.

I also said "Don't like it, then don't download or use it, or put your own in it after you download it, it's as simple as that. Being a complainer or whining isn't going to change anything."

That's my answer to the criticism. Anytime anyone has criticism, my typical reply is if you don't like it, then don't download it. Problem solved.
If the criticism is something worth taking into account, I usually do. Yours however is not aside from the fact that you have a better translation available for the scene transitions according to you. Which has already been taken into account and offered to be a update in the 1080p many replies ago, so all this BS is pointless.

This post has been edited by darkdream787 on May 27 2019, 03:00 AM
Nomake Wan
Posted: May 27 2019, 03:00 AM


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QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 6 minutes, 51 seconds ago)
Grow up Nomake!

Nah. wub.gif

QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 6 minutes, 51 seconds ago)
I don't mind criticism at all...Anytime anyone has criticism, my typical reply is if you don't like it, then don't download it. Problem solved.

Ah, another gem of a quote for the casual viewer to make up their minds with. We good now?

This post has been edited by Nomake Wan on May 27 2019, 03:00 AM
Proud Contributor of IDW Forums and the Music Section Revival Project
  Posted: May 27 2019, 03:02 AM

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QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
Ah, another gem of a quote for the casual viewer to make up their minds with. We good now?

It would be if that were the full thing. You left out the part where when its worth looking into, I gladly do. It's as if you have selective hearing or are just looking to cause an argument or trying to make someone look like a bad person.

Grow up Nomake!

This post has been edited by darkdream787 on May 27 2019, 03:04 AM
Nomake Wan
Posted: May 27 2019, 03:05 AM


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QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 4 seconds ago)
You left out the part where when its worth looking into, I gladly do. It's as if you have selective hearing or are just looking to cause an argument.

Except that you think your subtitle placement is 10/10, when it's very clearly not. Your answer to that was your "if you don't like it don't download it" version of taking criticism. I'd ask if you'd like to take a poll on your sub placement, but you already stated that the only opinion you care about on that is your own, so...

QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 4 seconds ago)
Grow up Nomake!

Every time you say it, my power only grows stronger.
Proud Contributor of IDW Forums and the Music Section Revival Project
  Posted: May 27 2019, 03:09 AM

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QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
Except that you think your subtitle placement is 10/10, when it's very clearly not

I never once said my placement was 10/10, I said it was how I like it and wanted it. Go back and read and quit making false statements. If you don't like the placement, change it how you want it for yourself.

Your a waste of time to argue with Nomake Wan. It's doing nothing but adding childish drama to this thread.

Grow up Nomake!

This post has been edited by darkdream787 on May 27 2019, 03:17 AM
Nomake Wan
Posted: May 27 2019, 03:19 AM


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QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 8 minutes, 19 seconds ago)
I never once said my placement was 10/10, I said it was how I like it and wanted it.

Right. You personally believe that the way it is now is perfect. How is that a false statement?

QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 8 minutes, 19 seconds ago)
Grow up Nomake!

My hovercraft is full of eels!
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  Posted: May 27 2019, 03:23 AM

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QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
Right. You personally believe that the way it is now is perfect. How is that a false statement?

Where are you getting all this false BS from? Quit making shit up and putting words in peoples mouths! If any one is claiming theirs is perfect, its you from the looks of it.

I never said anyone's or even mine was perfect. There is no perfect, everyone's personal preference is going to be different. I can like how I made it and have every right to.

This post has been edited by darkdream787 on May 27 2019, 03:24 AM
Nomake Wan
Posted: May 27 2019, 03:32 AM


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I can see now that a lot of this stuff between you and me can actually be summarized as either silly semantics or straight-up miscommunication. I'm not sure if it's just the medium or if there's a legitimate language issue, or if it's just bad luck...but anyways.

As a viewer of your content, the sub placement is poor. The instinct is to look towards the bottom for subtitles unless there's a cue to look at the top (for example, placing a background character's speech on the top of the screen while the subs on the bottom continue translating the foreground character's speech). Having them on the top is odd to say the least, especially since they aren't in any way aligned to the existing text on the screen. This makes them hard to read as the contrast between the subtitle text and the background varies from line to line.

The clean solution to this would be to draw a 960x720 box using ASS's draw function, then put the subtitles on top of that box in the center of the screen, imitating the placement of the original text. In this way, the subtitles aren't fighting for attention and it's obvious to the viewer that they're the only thing that's important on-screen. It also means that by disabling subs, you return to the raw footage without any translation. Back in 2007 this was a complex thing to do, which is why I had originally chosen to instead align the text to the gaps between lines of kanji. Nowadays it's far more simple. One line, even!

Hopefully that makes my critique clear, just in case it was not before. Yes, I realize from the many back-and-forths with you that you likely won't care about anything I just typed and will continue to insist that you like it the way it is. But at least this way there's more clarity.
Proud Contributor of IDW Forums and the Music Section Revival Project
  Posted: May 27 2019, 03:59 AM

IDW Jr. Member

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QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
I can see now that a lot of this stuff between you and me can actually be summarized as either silly semantics or straight-up miscommunication. I'm not sure if it's just the medium or if there's a legitimate language issue, or if it's just bad luck...

I can agree with that easily. I bet everything we even said today, if done verbally in a verbal chat on something like discord, could easily be fixed and or understood WAY better. I personally hate text only conversation. There is no voice tones and if there is a misunderstanding, it seems to continue for longer than needed.

QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
As a viewer of your content, the sub placement is poor. The instinct is to look towards the bottom for subtitles unless there's a cue to look at the top (for example, placing a background character's speech on the top of the screen while the subs on the bottom continue translating the foreground character's speech). Having them on the top is odd to say the least, especially since they aren't in any way aligned to the existing text on the screen. This makes them hard to read as the contrast between the subtitle text and the background varies from line to line.

Sub placement may be poor to you, but when its text only translation, I like it at the top and to be centered in the middle of the width resolution. USA DVD's and Blu-Rays usually put text translations like Japanese signs and letters at the top as well. They might not always, but most of the time that's how USA DVD's and Blu-Rays do it and that's how I have come to like it.

QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
The clean solution to this would be to draw a 960x720 box using ASS's draw function, then put the subtitles on top of that box in the center of the screen, imitating the placement of the original text. In this way, the subtitles aren't fighting for attention and it's obvious to the viewer that they're the only thing that's important on-screen. It also means that by disabling subs, you return to the raw footage without any translation. Back in 2007 this was a complex thing to do, which is why I had originally chosen to instead align the text to the gaps between lines of kanji. Nowadays it's far more simple. One line, even!

I have no idea what your talking about. I am not a .ass expert. I have software that makes BD's .SUP files into .ass for me via OCR called SubExtractor, and I convert DVD .srt made with SubRip into .ass with AEGISub. I never even seen assdraw. I trial and error guess position numbers if their not the usual ones that BD uses. I would have liked to have been able to fit it in between the Kanji to make it easier to read, but did not have the time or patience to spend hours guessing then muxing and checking positions over and over and over until its right. Apparently you have software I never heard of to make something like that simpler. If you wish to show me that software and or make the positioning changes to my custom subtitle track and submit to me to look at, then by all means please do so.

I have seen people put moving text and fading text and all kinds of stuff into .ass, but I don't know how to do any of that fancy stuff. I am a video editing professional, not a .ass god whom knows every single possible script command or software available for it. Mine are the more simplistic ones the software makes that are pretty identical to the BD and it's good enough for me. I either keep it directly as the BD/DVD did or when I don't have that or used a subs only for subbed sources, I stick with the usual to keep things similar to what the usual DVD/BD output would look like.

QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
Hopefully that makes my critique clear, just in case it was not before. Yes, I realize from the many back-and-forths with you that you likely won't care about anything I just typed and will continue to insist that you like it the way it is. But at least this way there's more clarity.

This just shows how little you actually know about me and appear to jump to conclusions ahead of time. The miscommunication and changing or mishearing what I actually said did not help things at all. This kind of informational, non offensive reply is much better than how all of this got started.

As I said before, criticism is always welcome. It has helped me improve my video, audio, subs, and experience a lot over the years. I always listen to suggestions and sometimes even agree or change things when I feel I should and I'm not being treated like shit in the process.

If it were not for criticism, I would still be using .srt subtitles, downmuxed to stereo 70kbps audio, and using way too much DNR on my video's like I did in my first couple of years encoding lol. When I looked into that FRIENDLY criticism, I agreed and made changes for the better. I would not have progressed as I have over the 10 years of doing this without any criticism. So to say or think I'd never listen or care is all in your head or something has allowed you to believe that at least.

This post has been edited by darkdream787 on May 27 2019, 04:18 AM
Nomake Wan
Posted: May 27 2019, 04:18 AM


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QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 9 minutes, 2 seconds ago)
DVD's and Blu-Rays usually put text translations like Japanese signs and letters at the top as well. They might not always, but most of the time that's how DVD's and Blu-Rays do it and thats how I have come to like it.

DVDs and Blurays also don't have access to the advanced features available to modern sub files because they're picture-based rather than text-based. Every so often you'll find something creative in subpictures, but the majority of the time it's just text in bitmap.

Whereas since we're dealing with Matroska containers on computers, we don't have to be bound by the same rules. We can if the end goal is to make something that's going to be burned to a bluray to be watched on a bluray player, but I think you'll find most people who do that go to the trouble of altering the source footage for situations like the scene transition we're talking about so as not to cluter the screen for the viewer.

QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 9 minutes, 2 seconds ago)
I have no idea what your talking about. I am not a .ass expert. I have software that makes BD's .SUP files into .ass for me via OCR called SubExtractor, and I convert DVD .srt made with SubRip into .ass with AEGISub. I never even seen assdraw. I trial and error guess position numbers if their not the usual ones that BD uses. I would have liked to have been able to fit it in between the Kanji to make it easier to read, but did not have the time or patience to spend hours guessing then muxing and checking positions over and over and over until its right. Apparently you have software I never heard of to make something like that simpler.

Aegisub is the de facto standard for editing ASS files...or doing any sort of subtitle work, really. Fantastic program. But even if you're only using Notepad, here is what the line looks like to create a 960x720 black box:

Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\c&H000000&\3c&H000000&}{\p1}m 0 0 l 960 0 l 960 720 l 0 720{\p0}

QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 9 minutes, 2 seconds ago)
This just shows how little you actually know about me and appear to jump to conclusions ahead of time. The miscommunication and changing or mishearing what I actually said did not help things at all. This kind of informational reply is much better than how all of this got started.

As I said before, criticism is always welcome. It has helped me improve my video, audio, subs, and experience a lot over the years. I always listen to suggestions and sometimes even agree or change things when I feel I should and I'm not being treated like shit in the process.

If it were not for criticism, I would still be using .srt subtitles, 70kbps audio, and using way too much DNR on my video's like I did in my first couple of years encoding lol. When I looked into that FRIENDLY criticism, I agreed and made changes for the better. I would not have progressed as I have over the 10 years of doing this without any criticism. So to say or think I'd never listen or care is all in your head or something has allowed you to believe that at least.

Well yeah, you have less than 20 posts here, and this is the only place you and I have interacted to my knowledge. So my experience with you is limited to how you've been posting in this thread so far, and so far you haven't exactly given off the "I am open and welcoming to criticism" sort of vibe. But as you say, that's probably down to simple miscommunication.
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  Posted: May 27 2019, 04:25 AM

IDW Jr. Member

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QUOTE (Nomake Wan)
Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\c&H000000&\3c&H000000&}{\p1}m 0 0 l 960 0 l 960 720 l 0 720{\p0}

This doesnt make a lot of sense to me as to how this fits in with assdraw or what this even is.

I understand this part when editing typical .ass files in notepad "Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\c&H000000&\3c&H000000&}{\p1}{\p0}"
I am assuming the "{\p1}{\p0}" is p for paragraph? They look kinda like italics commands but with a different letter in it, so I assume it does something to the text unless I am wrong.

This however is just garbled garbage to me. I can see numbers, but have no idea what all those are. I assume pixel numbers for position placement, but again, if I was just using pixel numbers I would have to keep trial and error guessing to get it where I want it. Also, where are the text subtitles that are supposed getting positioned? I am only seeing the numbers and a letter m at the beginning that I have no clue what it's even there for.

"m 0 0 l 960 0 l 960 720 l 0 720"

EDIT: If it helps, my only experience with AEGIsub is retiming and opening .srt to save as .ass for converting. I have not really used it for anything else or played with it's tools.

Also, after looking at it further and thinking more deeply about it, I think I get what you were saying by box. These are box corner numbers and not text placement numbers am I right? That looks like it is specifying the 4 corners. Is this supposed to place a black box over top of the video and cover the japanese text and video? If so, do I simply add text by doing it right after like this? I would test it myself, but I do not have access to my encoding computer until tomorrow.

Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\c&H000000&\3c&H000000&}{\p1}m 0 0 l 960 0 l 960 720 l 0 720{\p0} Text?

This post has been edited by darkdream787 on May 27 2019, 05:25 AM
Nomake Wan
Posted: May 27 2019, 06:13 AM


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The code I listed is inserted into an ASS script with notepad. Change the timestamp to the start/stop of whatever scene you're trying to cover up, and that's all there is to it. It'll create a 960x720 black box to cover up the 960x720 encode from timestamp to timestamp. No need to do anything other than copy and paste the line wherever you need it and change the timestamps accordingly.

To get more technical, here's what each part does:


This sets both the primary and outline color to black. This way the box will be solid black when drawn.


This is the draw operator. Everything between these two is a draw instruction.

m 0 0 l 960 0 l 960 720 l 0 720

This is the draw motion. Essentially in English it would read, "Move from 0, 960, 960, 0,720." This then connects your four dots--which are in the four corners of your encode--into a solid object. Since you specified both primary and outline color to be black, that makes it a solid black rectangle with dimensions of 960x720. cool.gif
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Posted: May 27 2019, 09:25 AM

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I'm kinda curious about who did the translation of Fourth Stage where they seem to claim that Sakamoto is an F1 Ferrari driver. O_o;;; I haven't watched the other stages yet, but Fourth Stage has felt very off when talking about the racing and automotive terms.

In terms of the video quality it's looking very clean though. happy.gif

This post has been edited by Gold_Ultima on May 27 2019, 09:27 AM
  Posted: May 27 2019, 09:54 AM

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QUOTE (Gold_Ultima @ 29 minutes, 2 seconds ago)
I'm kinda curious about who did the translation of Fourth Stage where they seem to claim that Sakamoto is an F1 Ferrari driver. O_o;;; I haven't watched the other stages yet, but Fourth Stage has felt very off when talking about the racing and automotive terms.

In terms of the video quality it's looking very clean though. happy.gif

Funimation DVD subtitles.

Anything that had an English Dub available, the subtitles came directly from the Funimation DVD's.

This post has been edited by darkdream787 on May 27 2019, 09:59 AM
Posted: May 27 2019, 10:25 AM

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QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 31 minutes, 1 seconds ago)
Funimation DVD subtitles.

Anything that had an English Dub available, the subtitles came directly from the Funimation DVD's.

Then if at all possible I might recommend using fansubs instead or adding them as a third option for 1080p as a lot of their translations give misinformation or actually make no sense. Maybe Nomake Wan has some subs for that stage as well, which are more correct.
Nomake Wan
Posted: May 27 2019, 04:17 PM


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QUOTE (Gold_Ultima @ 5 hours, 51 minutes ago)
Then if at all possible I might recommend using fansubs instead or adding them as a third option for 1080p as a lot of their translations give misinformation or actually make no sense. Maybe Nomake Wan has some subs for that stage as well, which are more correct.

I do not. The most correct subs I am aware of for Fourth Stage are the old Live-Evil subs, but even they aren't perfect (like saying the MX-5 had a "V6" engine when in fact it's B6). That being said, they're a hell of a lot more correct that the garbage FUNimation spewed out. Live-Evil missed a few manufacturer-specific terms. FUNimation missed basically every motorsports term ever.
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  Posted: May 27 2019, 11:58 PM

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QUOTE (Gold_Ultima @ Today, 10:25 AM)
Then if at all possible I might recommend using fansubs instead or adding them as a third option for 1080p as a lot of their translations give misinformation or actually make no sense. Maybe Nomake Wan has some subs for that stage as well, which are more correct.

I do not have any other subtitles. If you happen to find any you like or want, I can tell you how to easily add them into the MKV files in seconds if you don't already know how.

If you do get your own, feel free to send them my way as well for possible use in 1080p.
Posted: May 28 2019, 03:04 AM

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Maybe I will look into converting the Live-Evil subs to ASS or SRT... I have pretty much no experience in this aside from editing other people's already created work, but I guess there's no time like the present to learn. Given how long that will take, I likely won't have them done in time for 1080p, but maybe I'll put up a mega link for other people once they are done along with some minor edits since I'll have to retype the hard coded subs all from scratch.

Also, learning how to put them into MKV files would certainly be nice since I certainly won't have this finished for a while and would love to have the clean organization that packing them in would bring.
  Posted: May 28 2019, 10:57 AM

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QUOTE (Gold_Ultima @ 7 hours, 53 minutes ago)
Maybe I will look into converting the Live-Evil subs to ASS or SRT... I have pretty much no experience in this aside from editing other people's already created work, but I guess there's no time like the present to learn. Given how long that will take, I likely won't have them done in time for 1080p, but maybe I'll put up a mega link for other people once they are done along with some minor edits since I'll have to retype the hard coded subs all from scratch.

Also, learning how to put them into MKV files would certainly be nice since I certainly won't have this finished for a while and would love to have the clean organization that packing them in would bring.

They probably already are .srt or .ass

Just use a program called MKVToolnix. It comes with a software called MKVMerge. That can edit and change MKV files easily with a GUI.

There is a program included called mkvextract which will let you extract video audio, subs, etc from MKV files.

This post has been edited by darkdream787 on May 28 2019, 10:58 AM
Posted: May 28 2019, 12:01 PM

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QUOTE (darkdream787 @ 1 hour, 4 minutes ago)
They probably already are .srt or .ass

Unless there's a new release I'm not aware of, the Live-Evil subs were encoded directly into the video, not a separate sub file in a container, so there likely isn't any separate versions unless I can contact the sub group directly, which I may attempt. Scratch that, they have an FAQ stating to never ask for their stuff. Otherwise, I'm fine to just make them myself as a hobby during slow days at work or something.

Also, thanks for the info with regards to repacking MKV files.

This post has been edited by Gold_Ultima on May 28 2019, 12:22 PM
  Posted: May 28 2019, 01:35 PM

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QUOTE (Gold_Ultima @ 1 hour, 33 minutes ago)
Unless there's a new release I'm not aware of, the Live-Evil subs were encoded directly into the video, not a separate sub file in a container, so there likely isn't any separate versions unless I can contact the sub group directly, which I may attempt. Scratch that, they have an FAQ stating to never ask for their stuff. Otherwise, I'm fine to just make them myself as a hobby during slow days at work or something.

Also, thanks for the info with regards to repacking MKV files.

If your dealing with a hard subbed video file, I just used subrip to extract them. It can be a pain in the ass if the subtitle colors are hard pin down in the software. Might even end up typing entire lines in manually. But you just select the text color and the texts outline color and the program tries it's best.

If it cant be done easily or gives you problems, sometimes doubling the resolution of the video with some Noise Reduction applied (If your working with animation that has compression artifacts) with avisynth and trying to rip hard subs with subrip will make it a bit easier.

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