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> Xiao Thoughts, All The Xiaomazing Xiaoriffic Xiaosts
  Posted: Sep 1 2017, 07:04 AM

Were you expecting something else?

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Well this is escalating quickly.

As much as xiao has indeed been making unsubstantiated claims, your way of responding to them can easily be misunderstood as being heavy-handed without some knowledge of your actual personality. Not calling you wrong for calling him out on it, or telling you to lay off it entirely, but I'm not all that surprised it ended up getting to this point.
Now I don't like misinformation either (and boy is there ever a lot of it), but as I see hope for xiao yet with him being at least slightly more informed than the norm, I think it best we go a little easier on him for now. Just give him one more chance to shape up (even if that sounds futile to you), and then go do whatever if he doesn't.

And yes xiao, that was passive aggressive af. I know you're better than that.

Now let's get things back to normal (as normal as a place like this can be) before I go from mildly genki to ripping my hair out. I vastly prefer my IDW without drama.

This post has been edited by Meteor on Sep 1 2017, 07:08 AM
Nomake Wan
Posted: Sep 1 2017, 07:53 AM


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QUOTE (Meteor @ 49 minutes, 7 seconds ago)
Now I don't like misinformation either (and boy is there ever a lot of it), but as I see hope for xiao yet with him being at least slightly more informed than the norm, I think it best we go a little easier on him for now. Just give him one more chance to shape up (even if that sounds futile to you), and then go do whatever if he doesn't.

The problem with the bolded statement is two-fold. For one, I'm not so sure that 'slightly more informed than the norm' is the correct qualifier for the behavior in question. For another, having hope is nice and all and if this were one isolated incident then you're right, it's really heavy-handed for a first offense.

That's not what this is. This is a continuous pattern of behavior which has been repeated over a long period of time. That's why if there is to be any hope of the behavior in question being corrected, it has to be pointed out and have its fault made crystal clear every single time it occurs. If it finally causes a change and we get Xiao sharing his opinions as opinions rather than objective fact, awesome! If it does nothing, well...then it just proves that the behavior was never going to change in the first place, and at the very least calling him out on it will prevent other members from misunderstanding his opinions as fact.

As far as I'm concerned, 'one more chance' was many months ago. I would love to see a change, but I haven't even seen a willingness to change. Xiao, as a person I like you, and it's hard to find someone with hobbies that align well not to mention people who remain active on IDW in this day and age. However, I absolutely cannot stand that you spout off whatever's on your mind and try to pass it off as fact without any supporting evidence whatsoever. I don't think that's fair to the community at large, and that's why I'm so hard on you about it. A lot of times I let it slide either because I don't see it happen or because I'm not informed enough about the subject matter to notice or care, but when you dip into topics I actually know about, that's when I suddenly appear triggered and demand your evidence or flat-out point out why the information is false.

Apologies for the hijack. This is supposed to be Xiao Thoughts after all. So on to your regularly-scheduled Xiao thought.
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Posted: Sep 1 2017, 01:25 PM


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QUOTE (xiao @ Aug 25 2017, 09:54 AM)
I just realized yesterday while sippin' Starbucks I've been struggling with the same stuff Chester Bennington struggled with since I came back to the free in 2015, well it's been longer than that but more pronounced lately ..

People ask me .. so why don't you just commit suicide; to which I always reply, cause I'm a pussy. laugh.gif

I think drugs and music aren't suffice enough to save someone. Drugs just blank your head and when you wake up my insecurities are still there. Music's a better way to deal with problems, but when the song's over, my mind wanders off into that dark space Chester talked about. I just wish I could sing forever so I wouldn't have to look at myself in the mirror every morning. derp.gif

Of course that's not possible, but sometimes just talking into thin air or cyberspace makes people feel better ~ I think just listening to someone, unimportant as they may be, is suffice to save a life.

You need to stop listening to whoever is telling you to commit suicide. I hope it's not your secret girlfriend. Drugs and music are temporary escapes, and rightly so. Until you are 50 years old, you can change yourself and your life. Sometimes, you may see it pay off instantly; other times, it may take a long time. But, since you got time, just make use of your inherent perfectionist tendencies to make things that you would enjoy. In this day and age when people can get rich off of just sitting around at home in front of a camera, you can do it too!

QUOTE (Nomake Wan @ 7 hours, 14 minutes ago)
Stop making completely unsubstantiated claims and passing them off as fact. Then I'm sure I won't seem like such an 'asshole' to you. Until that happens, well, I guess we're just not going to see eye-to-eye, huh?

By the way, you should go look up 'passive-aggressive' while you're at it.

Now now, nomake-kun, I don't think xiao was talking about you in particular. Don't take it personally. I think, though, that as angry and triggered as you sound, you and xiao have some sort of compatible relationship going on. If xiao were normal, you wouldn't be posting hardly at all here on IDW. Most of what I see of your posts are you slapping xiao around, figuratively speaking.
  Posted: Sep 1 2017, 01:37 PM

Were you expecting something else?

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It's not xiao's normalcy or lack of that's the inciting factor in this case, umu. Look one post above you: N1 already clarified he likes xiao as a person.

Anyway, it's probably best we just wait for xiao to post here instead of making any further posts. I've observed people's points have a habit of getting muddled when there's a lot to sift through.
Posted: Sep 1 2017, 03:25 PM

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Speaking occasionally with "the real Xiao" and not the character presented here, I can say that it probably wouldn't take much to change the behavior ever so slightly. He's a good guy that can get a bit ahead of himself in terms of posting before the brain catches up.
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Posted: Sep 1 2017, 03:59 PM

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QUOTE (Tessou @ 34 minutes, 27 seconds ago)
Speaking occasionally with "the real Xiao" and not the character presented here, I can say that it probably wouldn't take much to change the behavior ever so slightly.

I personally don't mind Xiao the character. It's not my position to tell him to stop.
Nobody here hates Xiao, not that I know of at least, he's a great addition to the community.

That said, Xiao the character is hard to respond to; and that ends threads, which IDW doesn't need right now. UMU is the only person that consistently responds, and his responses tend to be the similar; they conclude or reiterate and affirm xiaos post. It's not UMU's fault, at least he's responding.

The idea behind Xiao thoughts was to keep Xiao the character (mostly) in here and the real Xiao in other threads. I'm well aware he's capable of turning the character off.

I also agree with N1, I'm not sure if that's Xiao the character speaking, but when you're going to make a statement on an internet forum, and someone finds it incorrect, you'll need to don the flame suit. Pun-unintended, forums have worked this way since forever.

Nomake Wan
Posted: Sep 1 2017, 05:09 PM


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QUOTE (umustwait101 @ 3 hours, 44 minutes ago)
Now now, nomake-kun, I don't think xiao was talking about you in particular. Don't take it personally. I think, though, that as angry and triggered as you sound, you and xiao have some sort of compatible relationship going on. If xiao were normal, you wouldn't be posting hardly at all here on IDW. Most of what I see of your posts are you slapping xiao around, figuratively speaking.

user posted image
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The evidence suggests otherwise. He made that post directly referencing me and then immediately afterward made a passive-aggressive post here in Xiao Thoughts. That's the wonderful thing about this lovely medium we know as an internet-based forum--timestamps and database entries. The proof is right there just waiting to be necessary. You can try it for yourself--just click anyone's username, then 'find all posts by this user', then click the 'Details' button. Voila, each post they've made from newest to oldest.

So, please, I'd much rather have Xiao speak for himself on this one rather than having you try to give him an excuse.
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Posted: Sep 1 2017, 05:21 PM

Living in the woods when it's raining in the dark.

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So you're saying xiao kind of has a double personality?
Posted: Sep 1 2017, 07:14 PM


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QUOTE (Nomake Wan @ 2 hours, 4 minutes ago)

The evidence suggests otherwise. He made that post directly referencing me and then immediately afterward made a passive-aggressive post here in Xiao Thoughts. That's the wonderful thing about this lovely medium we know as an internet-based forum--timestamps and database entries. The proof is right there just waiting to be necessary. You can try it for yourself--just click anyone's username, then 'find all posts by this user', then click the 'Details' button. Voila, each post they've made from newest to oldest.

So, please, I'd much rather have Xiao speak for himself on this one rather than having you try to give him an excuse.

In my defense, I wasn't necessarily trying to defend anyone, nor give anyone an excuse. I really didn't see the famous MF Ghost post xiao made. Please see the attachment for what I saw. It's because the forum posts threads by stickies first. As for whether I was engaged in the unsavory behavior of stalking xiao... I'll remain mute on that point.

But, since you have provided what seems to me to be undeniable proof, I have nothing left to say. However, in my defense, not that I'm getting defensive, mind you, I think of myself as being mostly impartial, but tending to give people the benefit of the doubt. You have no idea how much more anger I would have if I didn't do that.

I told a girl that her skin looks so soft and that it must feel nice to hug. She called me creepy.

I'm gonna go play some Tower Defense.

This post has been edited by umustwait101 on Sep 1 2017, 07:15 PM

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Posted: Sep 8 2017, 07:27 PM

moon bunny

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I spoke with Nomake, and with Tessou, and Meteor. I personally apologized to Nomake because I felt very ashamed for the way I acted .. quite childish, immature, and spoiled.

I hadn't checked this topic or the MF Ghost one since I threw my hissyfit last week. And I wish I could delete my posts in this and the MF Ghost topics. So I apologize to all that had to see my jerky comments.

Like I said I'm to Donz0rs ~ I'm sorry to you guys. So please delete my last post in the MF Ghost and this thread .. To be honest I don't see any point to this "Xiao Thoughts" topic.

Like I told N1, Tess, and Meteor .. I'm just trying to be funny ~ but I realize my posts more than often come across like trash in the middle of a smart discussion. So I'm sorry guys .. it's a hard habit to break, but I'll try to be more intelligent and less childish.

Or at least if I'm trying to be funny, not pass it off as facts & mislead people .. so I completely agree with Nomakeさん

The internet gives me the freedom to act in a way I'm actually not in RL .. and I come across like a jerk/kid most of the time. So I apologize guys ~ I'll try to keep it real, cause I really do value you dudes as my friends & I don't have too many IRL. happy.gif
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Nomake Wan
Posted: Sep 8 2017, 10:22 PM


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And like I mentioned over PM, I don't think an apology was really all that necessary. I accept it anyway, but you and I already know the only thing that we're at odds about is stating opinions as fact and nothing else. cool.gif
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Posted: Sep 8 2017, 11:05 PM

moon bunny

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QUOTE (Nomake Wan @ 41 minutes, 47 seconds ago)
And like I mentioned over PM, I don't think an apology was really all that necessary. I accept it anyway, but you and I already know the only thing that we're at odds about is stating opinions as fact and nothing else. cool.gif

Thanks my dude <3

That feel when you wish you lived in Cali to hug your boy laugh.gif

But seriously, sorry for being scandalous.

--- --- ---

I feel more concerned for Seri & Kyon right now, especially since Zach's birthday is next week and they're both so close to Miami. All I've been hearing all day is news about Irma. sad.gif

My parents were visiting my little sister in Puerto Rico last week and they all had to depart early cause of the hurricane. And now it's heading towards Florida.

I don't have a lot of money right now, but my home is always open to anyone in need, especially Kyon & Seri! I know I'm like halfway across the nation, but if for whatever reason they need a place to stay, y'all know how to get in touch with me. sad.gif 📞
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Posted: Sep 11 2017, 06:18 PM


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Xiao, if it makes you feel any better, I enjoy reading your crazy thoughts. I feel you tend to give things a creative spin. Not sure how much I would enjoy your cooking, but I do like reading your posts, nohomo.

Here's from one crazy person to another.

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This post has been edited by umustwait101 on Sep 11 2017, 06:19 PM
Posted: Nov 11 2017, 04:10 PM

moon bunny

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user posted image I'll revive XT just cause I love Calvin Harris' YouTube URL name .. and cause disco is the funky town shiz ~

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Posted: Nov 12 2017, 10:39 PM

moon bunny

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wow .. this girl is extremely inspiring ~ 😳

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Posted: Nov 28 2017, 01:38 AM

moon bunny

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★ So one thing I've noticed about job searching .. cause ya know ~ nobody wants to work at McDonald's flipping burgers & shiz. Plus fast food is unhealthy as fuuuuuu :V ck

One thing I've noticed is that your boss or the recruiter or the person interviewing you just wants to know what type of person you are. It doesn't matter if you have a criminal record or you're clean as whistle .. they just wanna work with, ie. make money with someone they like or at least feel familiar with.

It doesn't matter if you're working for Kanye West or Linus Tech Tips or Tim Cook or Enzo Ferrari or Mother Teresa or Google or Starbucks or Max Martin or motherfscking Jesus Christ .. they just wanna know you like your friends know you.

I mean why else would they be interviewing people if they weren't searching for someone to do whatever they don't wanna do. It's not like you're raping & killing people, you're asking for a job to get payed to live, just like the person interviewing you. I fucking hate recruiters ..

If they don't wanna work with you then fuck them, you did nothing wrong. But if they hire you, most likely it's because of the quality of person you are, not so much whatever skill you learned & forgot at school ~

Just needed a place to scribble my feelings down while I was thinking about the nature of jobs & job searching .. sweatingbullets.gif
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Posted: Dec 14 2017, 01:05 AM

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★ I think people related to Michael Jackson (and still do ..) because they couldn't put a genre on his music. He was a rarity .. quirky flaws and all and probably died because of drugs .. but the world needs people that'll break the walls our parents and their parents built ~ to remind us that we're all human

・ People like him ..

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Posted: Dec 16 2017, 10:13 PM

moon bunny

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★ So a couple of days ago I told my dad I was an atheist, I told him .. I don't believe in God, rather I don't believe in your God. My father's a die-hard Catholic, he's a great father but he's a horrible Catholic let alone Christian. He uses his faith to scold & judge me, and as an excuse to get drunk with his friends, and that's not what faith is about. So I told him I don't believe in God, I believe in Love - that's my God, love and mercy.

He doesn't like half the shit I do .. like go to church when I want to, have girl's clothes in my room, have cute stuff like bunny plushies & Hello Kitty lunchboxes, or earrings, or the music I listen to/sing/dance. But I have no right to raise a single complaint against him. I have a lot of blessings and he's always been there for me when I don't have work, when I've gotten in trouble, or when I've gotten sick.

I used to dress-up like a girl for fun & to make people laugh, but I wanna tell him that he gives me a real reason to wish I was born a girl .. he doesn't treat me like my sister, and he scorns me when I walk by past him like if I'm possessed by the devil. I have no right to bite the hand that feeds me .. but he gives me a real reason to hate religion, to hate looking @ myself in the mirror, and to wish I was actually born a girl. He's a great father .. I just wish he would focus on the things that make him a great dad, and stop using Catholicism as an excuse to act like a jerk. It's like he's fucking brainwashed ~ and it's been like that most of my life. He treated Umu with disdain when he came over, like he didn't even attempt to talk to him, and afterwards he told my mother that she raised a gay son, then she didn't speak to her & I for about a week.

He always tells me .. "There's no atheists in foxholes" | I wanna tell him .. "Foxholes are what made me an atheist", I wanna tell him .. "You make me wish I should've been born a girl", I wanna tell him one day when I'm independent, I wanna tell him .. "Well there's no grumpy old-men on their death-beds".

Just wanted to vent somewhere .. or at least someone to hear me, didn't mean to diatribe ~ sweatingbullets.gif
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Posted: Dec 19 2017, 07:17 PM

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I haven't outright had the conversation about my agnostic religious views with my Lutheran parents, but they know how I feel about religion and, specifically, your average individual that claims to be religious.

I have nothing against religion as an idea, or even as a practice. Everyone needs something to hold onto, to have faith in, to get them through the day. For me, it's myself. For others, it can be Jesus, or the idea of heaven, or 72 virgins, or literally anything else that gets them from one day to the next with their head up, no matter how rough it gets. And you know what? That's awesome, and good for them, whatever it is, because finding whatever that is for you is generally key to a happier life.

What I cannot stand though, are all the people who use their religion as justification for judgement, hate, or just generally shitty behavior. I was raised to take responsibility for myself, both in speech and in action. If I say or do something, that's on me. Not a member of the Holy Trinity, me. Religion shouldn't be an excuse, it should be a lifestyle. If you're going to be a Christian, you should follow the teachings of Christ. That doesn't mean you have to be perfect; he wasn't either. But he taught acceptance and forgiveness, regardless of sin. And that's something most people fall very, very short of. And that's why I do not wish to associate with religion.
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Posted: Dec 19 2017, 10:21 PM

moon bunny

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Thanks for sharing that my friend .. I had a fight with my dad about that & that's what sparked my last post. He's a great father and I love him, but he doesn't build-up the aspects that make him a great dad, instead focuses all his time on pretending to be some grumpy old monk .. like those zombies in Resident Evil 4. That's why I say it's like he's f'ing brainwashed.

I totally agree with you on religion and faith .. and personally I think that Christianity isn't about those superficial things like going to church or praying or reading the bible front to back or acting holy. I think it's about living the ideas, like you mentioned, being kindhearted and forgiving and spending time with people .. not a statue in a church or scolding people for doing things that go against dogma.

You don't have to say you're a Christian or scold them for not adhering to church laws. If you're good to the people around you, that's the essence of Christianity and all religions in my opinion. Sure there's a lot of beauty in religion .. like vast shrines, and statues, and paintings, etc etc .. but if there's no love for the fellow human being next to you, then faith is hollow and it's just a bunch of meaningless gestures.

I couldn't have put it better myself as to why I also don't associate myself with religion. I'd rather identify with being a human being than Catholic, Christian, gay, straight, male, female, trans, right, left, Hispanic, American, Asian, etc etc .. I'm a human being just like you .. is what I tell people. <3
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Posted: Dec 20 2017, 07:40 PM

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Totally agree. I spent my entire childhood, into adolescence, and briefly into my college years going to church every Sunday, every Christian holiday, and every Wednesday through Lent. And I don't regret it. I took a lot away from it, and I used everything I learned from the teachings of Christ to better myself in some way.

Now, did it lead to faith? No. Critical thinking got in the way of that, for better or worse. But I'm happy with who I became over the course of that journey, because I let everything I learned impact me in what I feel was the right way. And that's why I disagree with people who say that religion is problematic. People are problematic, and those who are religious just warp their core flaws into religious parallels. I just don't want to lump myself in with them if I don't need to.
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Posted: Dec 20 2017, 07:53 PM

moon bunny

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Absolutely!And it doesn't mean we can't say Merry Christmas or God Bless You or Lord Willing or change the way we act .. just cause we're agnostic or tell religious people that we don't believe in God to make em stop bothering us. Deep inside every human knows what they truly believe .. and we don't have to put on an elaborate theater, cause it's gonna show in the way we treat people. The way we treat other human beings!
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Posted: Dec 25 2017, 11:24 PM

moon bunny

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Sometimes .. you see something so beautiful .. that it inspires you to change your whole life ~ user posted image


.. or just reach for a higher plateau ~
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Posted: Jan 6 2018, 09:36 AM


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I feel very strongly about religion, and I agree with the majority of what xiao and spaz have been saying.

I wouldn't consider myself religious, as religion was the very thing that made the Jews crucify Christ. It was also the thing that caused the crusades and the Spanish Inquisition, which killed more Christians than the Roman empire when it was persecuting Christians.

On the other hand, everyone I know labels me as religious because of my proper behavior that they see. What they don't see is that I try to follow Christ's teachings, albeit with plenty of failures. Christ once said that the greatest commandment is to love your God, and the second one is to love your neighbor. I think this is the crux of what xiao believes in (tho he might do well to take some time to distinguish between what is love and what is lust). I believe that just based on this, a lot of religious people have totally missed the mark. Christ also said that not everyone who meets him and says that they did this or that in his name is going to be approved by him.

Finally, Christ hates sin, but he loves sinners. He died for people, not just to pay their debt so that they can get into more debt, but he paid their debt so they can be free from the burden of debt. I think that it is important to discern that while Christ loves people and died for them, and so we who follow Christ's teachings should also not reject anyone, but should accept and love everyone, simultaneously this doesn't mean that all kinds of behavior is acceptable. It's one heck of a fine line to walk, and one that still has me confused sometimes as to what I should do. Maybe I should pray more about it.

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Posted: Jan 7 2018, 10:31 AM

moon bunny

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QUOTE (umustwait101 @ Yesterday, 10:36 AM)
(tho he might do well to take some time to distinguish between what is love and what is lust)

I think that lust is just the surface of what love truly is like you can't know the importance of a flower before you glance at it's beauty & smell it's sweet fragrance & admire it's design. But then after spending time in a field of flowers ~ you see how important their pollen is to little bee's and bunnies that eat those flowers, how they adorn girls who wear them and make tables look pretty, how they put a smile on people even on the rainiest days ~

You can't love a flower without first being attracted to it's superficial facets ~ I think sin is just looking at the incomplete picture of what love truly is. It's exciting at first .. but then you're overwhelmed with so much love that you no longer have time for sin, because love occupies all of your time ~ ♪ ♫

My favorite passage in the bible is when Jesus says:blessed are the merciful .. for they will obtain mercy user posted imageuser posted image
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